Informative Article on

This article is the first in a series of three on shallow water blackout that will be published to raise awareness of the issue and help prevent further tragedies from occurring.

"Shallow Water Blackout: The Quiet Killer" July 14th, 2011. 21-year-olds Bohdan Vitenko and Jonathan Proce of Staten Island were eager to join the armed forces. In preparation for their upcoming military training, the two young men met at their local swimming pool to practice breath-holding exercises. Hours later, Vitenko and Proce were found unconscious by lifeguards in a far corner of the pool. Despite CPR and hospital treatment, both of the men died.... (Click here to continue reading)

Part 2 of Article Series:

"Shallow Water Blackout: The Quiet Killer - The Facts" Although the term “shallow water blackout” has become the most commonly used term to describe any unexplained loss of consciousness due to prolonged breath holding in a pool or shallow body of water, this terminology can be slightly confusing... (Click here to continue reading)